Dinotrux: Series Finale

On August 3rd, the final season of Dinotrux was released on Netflix…
8 Seasons, 78 episodes, over 1500 minutes of original music and almost 4 years of the gang being a part of my daily life. This series, aside from being the first TV show of my career, has been one of the most rewarding compositional experiences to date.
Thank you to the creators (David Kidd and Ron Burch) for always being so incredibly supportive and open to my crazy ideas. Alexandra Nickson, Frank J. Garcia, Gregg Goldin, Andrew Tolbert, Noelle Fuoco, and everyone else at DreamWorks Animation for this amazing experience, everyone at Atlas Oceanic Sound and Picture for the great sound mixes and finally Juan Andres Otalora, Toby Sherriff and Brittany Dunton for your help and contributions over the entire series.
Check out the series finale here